Backup-as-a-Code (Veeam + HashiCorp Terraform)

Backup-as-a-Code (Veeam + HashiCorp Terraform)
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Because ensuring data protection and maintaining consistent backups is crucial. Traditional methods of managing backups can be time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to scale. This is where “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC) tools like HashiCorp Terraform come in, and by combining them with Veeam’s backup solutions, you can achieve a powerful and automated approach to data protection: Backups-as-a-Code.

What is Backup-as-a-Code?

Backup-as-a-Code is a concept that integrates backup processes into the realm of infrastructure as code (IaC) methodologies. In this approach, backup configurations and procedures are defined and managed using code, often leveraging tools and practices from the DevOps and infrastructure automation domains.

Here’s a breakdown of the concept:

  1. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): IaC is a methodology that involves managing and provisioning computing infrastructure through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools. Common tools for IaC include Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, and Chef.
  2. Backup Automation: Traditional backup processes often involve manual configuration and management through graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or specialized backup software. Backup automation streamlines this process by scripting or coding backup configurations and procedures.
  3. Backup-as-Code: Backup-as-a-Code extends the principles of IaC to backup processes. It involves defining backup policies, schedules, retention policies, and other relevant parameters using code. This code can then be version-controlled, tested, and deployed alongside other infrastructure components.

Benefits of Backups as Code with Veeam and Terraform

  • Consistency: Terraform allows you to define your entire backup configuration in code. This ensures all environments, regardless of size, are protected using the same specifications. Updates to the central code propagate to all deployments, eliminating inconsistencies.
  • Automation: Integrate Veeam backup tasks into your infrastructure provisioning workflows. Backups become an automatic feature from the moment a resource is created, streamlining operations and reducing human error.
  • Version Control: Terraform configuration files are stored in version control systems like Git. This allows you to track changes, revert to previous configurations if needed, and collaborate on backup strategies.
  • Auditability: Veeam ONE integration with Terraform-managed backups simplifies backup reviews and audits. You can easily demonstrate compliance with data protection regulations.

    Using Veeam REST APIs with Terraform

    Veeam Backup & Replication and other Veeam products offer REST APIs that enable integration with Terraform. By leveraging a Terraform REST API provider, you can interact with Veeam’s APIs to automate various backup tasks. For example, Managing Cloud Credentials. Terraform can be used to manage Veeam’s cloud credentials for offsite backups. You can define IAM users and access keys in your Terraform code and automatically configure Veeam to use them for secure cloud storage.

    Getting Started with Backups as Code


    • Veeam Backup & Replication or other Veeam products with a REST API
    • HashiCorp Terraform installed and configured
    • A Terraform REST API provider compatible with Veeam’s API (community-developed providers may be available)

    1. Manage Veeam Resources via APIs:

    • Use the restapi provider in Terraform to interact with Veeam’s APIs. This allows you to automate backup tasks based on infrastructure changes managed by Terraform. It requires building custom logic to interact with specific Veeam API endpoints. Resources like Veeam ONE can help simplify the monitoring and reporting of these automated backups.

    2. Manage Supporting Infrastructure:

    • Terraform excels at managing infrastructure resources used by Veeam B&R. You can define resources like:

    Here’s an example structure (without actual API calls) for using the restapi provider:

    There are multiple repositories to help you with this integration. This repository for example contains sample code for automating Veeam deployment/configuration of various Veeam solutions using Terraform.

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