I hope VMware gets a new release of vCenter Converter soon. I believe it will be packed up with new features rather than conversion. For me, I have a huge history with this solution, and saved me and my time a lot.
Being a vExpert distinguishes you in a world full of I.T experts. In fact, the vExpert community is a target to tech companies to evaluate/try their products and demonstrate them to the I.T community because of their credibility.
It is insane how much data we produce every single moment. As we now have a solid definition of IoT (Internet of Things), we expect and experience unprecedented volume and variety of data.
Few years ago, I tried Runecast when I was looking for a robust monitoring solution rather than vRealize Operations Manager. But in fact, I didn't get the idea behind Runecast. I discovered that it is not a monitoring tool. It is actually a solution for predictive analysis and security compliance.
I like Netflix, not just because of the content, but because of the idea, design, and architecture.So, I kept searching for any information about Netflix data center architecture, and found…