VMware Explore is coming…So what to do?!

VMware Explore is coming…So what to do?!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Once again, VMware Explore (formerly: VMWorld) is going live this year, in both US and Europe.

VMware Exlore

The last two years were online event. It was perfect as usual but when it comes to live event, it is something else.

For me, being in an event is a great way to network. I know many “famous” legends from all around the world, but meeting with them in person is something different.

Last year, “virtually” I met an Egyptian guy who were at the same session with me. It was interesting as we don’t know each other but we met there. I sent him a message to introduce myself.We had an interesting chat together about Tanzu (the session we met at). lovely.

So, It is happening again in person. It is a perfect time to attend one of the most prestigious event in the IT world with promise that it will be an epic event after reshaping from VMWorld to VMware Explore.

Head to the official page to know more about the event.

Now, let’s talk about the sessions.

Event focus areas

There are a lot of sessions. And obviously, sometimes you cannot catch all of them because of overlapping sessions. So, reviewing catalogue and plan the list of sessions you are interested in is essential. I used to use a mobile app during the event but don’t know if it will be available or not. If so, usually it will be available one week or two before the event.

You can view full agenda from here and detailed content catalogue from here.

For me, I prefer starting with general sessions. It is like a news room for the big announces.

Next, pick the sessions you are interested in. In fact, I am choosing some sessions of technologies I WILL be interested in. Last few years I was interested in Tanzu and Blockchain. Security also is a big thing you cannot miss.

The way I usually build my own catalogue is by filter:


As you may gonna be dazzled by the number of sessions (in Europe version which I plan to attend, you will find 131 sessions in total). So, picking up using the filters is making my life easier.

For example, while I was browsing the list of events, I found two interesting sessions under vision & innovation track. Since my focus industry is FinTech, this one could be interesting:

Breackout session

Another one:

Breackout session

We can have all day long talking about all sessions, just as a reminder: The party is somethignyou don’t wanna miss. Even in the days of COVID-19 when it goes virtual, I had a wonderful time with my wife watching John Legend perform for VMWorld 2020:

John Legend @ VMworld 2020
John Legend @ VMworld 2020. Source: Youtube

If you plan to attend VMware Explore @ Barcelona, It will be my pleasure to meet with you all.

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